A driver has been reported and a vehicle seized after drugs were found by police.

Officers patrolling in Bacup on Saturday (August 19) stopped the car, pictured, after discovering it was not insured.

Upon searching the occupants, a small amount of drugs were allegedly found on one of the passengers who police say they "dealt with".

The car was also seized and the driver was reported.

A spokesperson for the police said on Saturday: "This afternoon officers from the Burnley and Rossendale taskforce have been out and about in the Bacup area and spotted this vehicle showing no insurance on police systems.

"Upon it being stopped a small amount of drugs were recovered from one of the passengers who has has been dealt with.

"It transpired the vehicle did not have any valid insurance, the vehicle has been seized and driver reported.

"The taskforce remain committed to keeping our roads safe and tackling drug dealing in our local communities."

You can report drug dealing to the team by calling 101 or report anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Alternatively you can e-mail the team directly via Burnleynbhtaskforce@lancashire.police.uk