The developers behind a new housing estate of 95 homes on ‘green belt’ moorland have agreed to triple their cash contribution to local authority services to more than £1.5 million.

In April 2021, furniture firm GFW Ltd was granted planning permission for the scheme on Waterside Park near Eccleshill Village on condition that a fifth of the properties were 'affordable'.

In addition, it agreed to pay £476,900 towards schools, highway improvements and public open space.

But following a specialist assessment the firm concluded including 20 per cent of affordable homes on the housing estate off Johnson Road would make it unviable.

Now in return for Blackburn with Darwen Council dropping that condition, GFW Ltd has agreed to pay a greatly increased developer's contribution of £1,506,900 under what it known as a Section 106 Agreement.

That will include:

  • £201,400 for education
  • £237,500 for highways
  • £38,000 for Public Open Space (POS)
  • £1,030,000 for off-site affordable housing

The project involved the demolition of GFW Ltd's distribution centre and the nearby Lower Grimshaw Farm and the relocation of the company's operations.

Before the 2021 planning approval the scheme generated 26 letters of objection concerned about wildlife, road safety, the retention of a footpath, and the impact of new homes on the West Pennine Moors countryside.

The permission granted by Blackburn with Darwen Council planning committee included tight conditions to protect otters, barn owls, toads, bats and other wildlife.

On Thursday the same group of councillors agreed to vary the Section 106 Agreement.

A report to the committee meeting by Planning manager Gavin Prescott said: "In February 2022, a Viability Assessment (VA) was submitted on behalf of the applicant.

"Following an audit of the VA and protracted negotiation between the council’s consultants and those acting on behalf of the applicant, full policy compliant Section 106 developer contributions has been agreed.

"In addition to the above, members are recommended to approve an amended condition for off-site highway works to the access at the junction of the private road leading into the site and Johnson Road and the length of the access road.

"Affordable housing was originally agreed to be delivered on site, at a ratio of 20 per cent of the overall total of new homes.

"The alternative approach of a financial contribution towards delivery of off-site affordable housing is mutually agreed."

The proposed housing estate is made up of 45 two and three-bedroomed homes, 39 with four bedrooms and 11 with five.

The plans for the site have been progressively reduced from an original 179 homes through 125 and 114 and finally to the current 95.