A man who bought a car with the intention of doing it up didn’t even get it home.

Blackburn magistrates heard the car caught the attention of the police because it had been cloned and was carrying false plates. When he was stopped Tom Stokes admitted being disqualified.

Stokes, 26, of Whitehall Street, Nelson, admitted to driving while disqualified and without insurance. He was given a 12-month community order, 15 days of rehab activities and 40 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Peter King, defending, said his client was on his way home from buying the car when he was stopped by the police.

Mr King said: “It would appear it was a cloned vehicle and the police stopped him. His plan was to park it on private land and do it up. He recognises the stupidity of what he did when he spoke to the police.”