A prolific offender was caught behind the wheel of a car with a large hunting knife despite having no licence and no insurance.

Joseph Bradley appeared at Preston Crown Court last week where his barrister, Clare Thomas, pleaded with the judge for a non-custodial sentence.

It was heard that on January 23, Bradley was stopped by police in Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle, due to him having no insurance and no licence.

Lancashire Telegraph: Joseph BradleyJoseph Bradley (Image: Lancs Police)

Recorder Michelle Brown said: “They noticed a sheathed knife in the driver’s compartment.

“You told police you had it from going camping three weeks earlier. You admitted that you shouldn’t have had the knife in your possession.

“You have previous convictions for weapons offences and 18 convictions for 30 offences overall.

“These include a number of violent offences, battery, robbery, actual bodily harm and more recently weapons offences.

“You also have a large number of failing to comply with orders before this court and breaches of order.

“You were released in October 2021 from your most recent prison sentence for having an axe in a public place and you were recalled for breaches of your licence.

“The case is aggravated by the fact you had people in the car with you and you have a high risk of reoffending.”

Bradley, 32, of Kingfisher Crescent, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to possession of a bladed article and driving without a licence or insurance and was jailed for eight months.

Recorder Brown added: “I have reduced that sentence significantly.

"I know you are 32 and you want to start turning your life around and I hope you seek the help you require and do just that.”