A motorist was obstructive to police by failing to provide them with a specimen when they attended after she had been involved in a crash.

Blackburn magistrates heard Danielle Sewell assaulted two officers but had been dealt with by way of a caution for those offences.

Sewell, 43, of Windsor Road, Blackburn, admitted to failing to provide a specimen for analysis and was bailed for a pre-sentence report.

Andrew Prescott, prosecuting, said two cars had been involved in the crash. Sewell was immediately obstructive and abusive towards the officers who had to restrain her to prevent her wandering into the road.

“The aggressive behaviour continued throughout the process,” said Mr Prescott. “She became violent at the police station and had to be pinned against a partition. She was given several opportunities to provide a sample but kept saying she wasn’t doing it.”

Daniel King, defending, said his client was currently in contact with a number of agencies including the community mental health team, adding: “There is a lot going on in her life at the moment.”