A police officer was punched by a man who was failing to co-operate with enquiries.

Blackburn magistrates heard Marshall Khan was warned about his aggressive behaviour but ignored all warnings.

Khan 24, of Whalley Old Road, Blackburn, admitted to assaulting an emergency worker. He was bailed for a pre-sentence report.

Bilal Saeed, prosecuting, said the officer attended the defendant’s home following an incident in a store where he had been pushing displays over.

“He was going to issue him with a fixed penalty but the defendant wasn’t happy with that and approached the officer in an aggressive way,” said Mr Saeed. “The officer left the property but was followed by Khan who was shouting abuse at him.”

Mr Saeed said Khan was arrested and responded by punching the officer in the face.

Isaac Mirza, defending, said for some reason the officer had put his client on the floor.

“The officer was on top of him and he couldn’t breathe,” said Mr Mirza. “He doesn’t exactly remember what happened next but accepts he lashed out.”