A man who crashed his car at 7am claimed a fox had ran out in front of him causing him to swerve.

Blackburn magistrates heard blood test later showed Luke Mackay was over the limit for ecstasy and a derivative of cocaine.

Peter King, defending, said his client was committed to a regime that did not involve the use of drugs.

He had initially pleaded not guilty, believing blood samples must have been mixed up.

When that was not the case he investigated the possibility his drinks had been spiked with the drugs.

“The people he had been drinking with the night before are his good friends and not the type of people to spike his drinks,” said Mr King.

“Eventually he had to accept there was no evidence to support that argument and entered his guilty plea.”

Mackay, 29, of Wales Road, Rawtenstall, pleaded guilty to two charges of drug driving.

He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with 250 hours unpaid work.

He was disqualified for 32 months and ordered to pay £285 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.