A man who “lifted” a woman’s purse used her bank card before she discovered the theft.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher Lonsdale was captured on CCTV taking the woman’s handbag and then removing the purse in a pub toilets.

Lonsdale, 46, of Fallbarn Crescent, Rawtenstall, admitted to theft and fraudulent use of a debit card. He was made subject to a 12-month community order with 20 rehab activity days, a six month alcohol treatment requirement and 100 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

Bilal Saeed, prosecuting, said the victim had been in the Bees Knees with her partner and friends. She left the pub and got in a taxi before she realised her purse was missing. Her card had been used at a garage.

CCTV showed Lonsdale repeatedly reaching behind the aggrieved several times. Further footage showed him removing the purse from her bag in the toilets.

Becky Strong, defending, said her client was extremely remorseful and there had been no further offences since the incident in October.