A man arrested when police attended a disturbance in Accrington town centre spat at an officer.

Blackburn magistrates heard the officer initially employed a calming tactic with Thomas James Hilton because they were aware he had suffered a recent brain injury.

But when he was told he was being arrested he lashed out and spat at the officer.

Hilton, 19, of Cliff Street, Rishton, admitted to assaulting an emergency worker. He was given an 18-month community order with a 30-day rehab activity requirement and a 90 days alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement. He was ordered to pay £300 compensation.

Passing sentence, District Judge Alexandra Preston said it had been a disgraceful incident and the defendant had behaved in a disgusting manner.

“Just because he is a police officer doesn’t mean he has to be expect to be dealing with drunken louts like you,” said District Judge Preston.

Jane Rappin, prosecuting, said police attended a disturbance in Barnes Street, Accrington, and there were a number of men fighting in the street. An officer approached Hilton, who he had spoken to earlier in the day, and he was covered in blood and clearly intoxicated.

“He became abusive towards the officer who was trying to calm him down because he was aware of the recent brain injury,” said Miss Rappin. 

He said body-cam footage of the incident was not on until Hilton was being arrested and it showed him kicking out at the officer, attempting to head butt him and spitting at him.

Neil Howard, defending, said his client accepted he had behaved deplorably.

“He had only just come out of hospital having suffered severe injuries,” said Mr Howard. “It was extremely dangerous for him to be consuming alcohol given the medication he was on.”