The boss of a 'healthy food takeaway' has been fined thousands of pounds for 10 breaches of food hygiene regulations.

Raja Asim Hussain of Chief's Health Kitchen in Nelson, was in court last week for food safety and hygiene offences, following a visit by inspectors on December 1, 2022.

The Leeds Road business was charged with 10 breaches of food hygiene regulations relating to cleanliness, training, temperature control, food storage and safety. 

Hussain was also charged in his personal capacity for the same 10 offences.

Hussain and Chief's Health Kitchen pleaded guilty to the 10 offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 at Burnley Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, July 13. 

Chief's Health Kitchen was fined £4,000, £1,500 costs and £1,600 victim surcharge – a total of £7,100.

Hussain was given a £230 fine, ordered to pay £1,500 costs and a £92 victim surcharge – a total of £1,822.

The charges related to Hussain and his takeaway were for: not ensuring fittings and equipment which contacted food were kept in good condition to minimise contamination; failing to ensure raw ingredients were kept in appropriate conditions to avoid contamination; failing to keep the premises in a clean condition; failing to ensure walls were in good condition and easy to clean; not having enough sinks for hand washing; not cleaning equipment effectively; not keeping documents up to date; failing to implement health and safety procedures; failing to properly train saff on handling food hygienicly; and not storing food capable of causing illness at safe temperatures.

Councillor Asjad Mahmood, leader of Pendle Borough Council, said: “Businesses which don’t operate within food safety regulations will not be tolerated.

“It’s vitally important that we protect customers from food businesses which put people’s health at risk.”

Councillor Mohammad Ammer, executive portfolio holder for housing, health and wellbeing, said: “Our Environmental Health team works hard to ensure the public’s safety and are on hand to give businesses the advice they need to ensure that they are compliant with food law.”

Micky Duck, commercial team leader - environmental health, added: “I encourage customers to be aware of the national food hygiene rating scheme and have a look at a venue’s score when eating out or having a takeaway. 

“Choosing somewhere that has a score of three or more means you can be confident that at the time of the inspection it has met the requirement for safety and hygiene.”