Three men were caught on CCTV stealing a motorcycle from outside Royal Blackburn Hospital using power tools to try and get the vehicle loose.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard how when he was detained by police, Jordan Byrom had an angle grinder in his possession on April 13.

Byrom, 25, of St Gabriel's Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to theft of a motor vehicle and going equipped for theft with an angle grinder, during the hearing on Thursday, July 13.

He was committed on bail to Preston Crown Court to be sentenced, after the court heard the offences put him in breach of a crown court imposed suspended sentence order.

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said the bike, a KTM 125 VRM, had been parked outside the hospital and the theft was reported to police as soon as the owner discovered it was missing.

CCTV showed three men pushing the bike away and Byrom had the angle grinder in his hand.

She said the bike was found abandoned close to where it had been stolen.

Gareth Price, speaking on behalf of the defendant, said his client did not accept using the angle grinder, although he conceded he was present and the theft had been a joint enterprise.

Byrom will be sentenced at Preston Crown Court at a later date for the theft offences and for his suspended sentence breach to be dealt with.