A woman who took the wedding photo off the wall and smashed it over her husband’s head during a fight has been ordered to quit drinking.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard however that the broken glass did not result in a broken marriage, as the couple were reunited a couple of days later.

Gemma Gorton, 35, of Comrie Crescent, Burnley, pleaded guilty to assaulting Stephen Gorton at their home on December 29, 2022.

During the hearing on Wednesday, July 12, she was made subject to a community order for nine months, with 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement and a 30-day alcohol abstinence order.

Bilal Saeed, prosecuting, said the couple became involved in an argument and she started throwing things around and smashing them.

She was verbally abusing her husband before taking a wedding photo off the wall and hitting him over the head with it.

“She hit him multiple times and he put his hands over he head to protect himself,” said Mr Saeed.

“They were separated by a neighbour who called the police.”

Ben Leech, offering mitigation, said at the time of the incident his client’s mental health had been fragile following the diagnosis of her mother with breast cancer and the loss of her job.

“That situation, as she perceived it, wasn’t helped by her husband who didn’t acknowledge her problems,” said Mr Leech.

“She didn’t help herself by drinking alcohol to try and deal with her problems.”

Mr Leech said the defendant’s arrest had brought her into contact with mental health services and she was now receiving the help she needed.

“He husband didn’t make a complaint to the police and following the incident they were only apart for a very short period,” said Mr Leech.