A man who repeatedly offends so he can go back to prison has got his wish again.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher Costello was released from prison on Friday and was arrested on Saturday after telling a shop assistant to ring the police.

He also told the assistant to tell the police he was being threatening to ensure their prompt attendance.

Costello, 59, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to theft of eight cans of beer from Co-op Local, Market Street, Colne, breach of a criminal behaviour order by entering the shop and using threatening behaviour.

He was jailed for 12 weeks and ordered to pay a £154 victim surcharge on release.

Glen Anderton, prosecuting, said Costello picked up four cans of beer and left without paying. The assistant contacted the police and a few minutes later Costello came in and asked if the police had been called.

“He was told they had and responded by picking up another four cans,” said Mr Anderton. “The assistant told him he couldn’t just come in and steal and the defendant asked who was going to stop him.”

He told the assistant to ring the police and tell them he was being threatening.

“He also told the shop worker he would get the beers back, he just wanted to go to jail,” said Mr Anderton. “The police arrived, he was arrested and the beers were returned.”

David Lawson, defending, said the offences were a repeat of the offences Costello had been sentenced for about four weeks ago.

“Unfortunately he fell at the first hurdle in terms getting to grips with his alcoholism,” said Mr Lawson.