A JEALOUS ex bombarded his former partner with messages and calls because he suspected she was involved in relationships with other people.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher Thomas O’Brien maintained the harassment over a four month period despite repeatedly being told to stop.

O’Brien, 39, of Sudellside Street, Darwen, admitted to harassment. He was given a 12-month community order with 25 days rehab activities and 100 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs.

He was made subject to a restraining order for two years which prohibits any contact with the victim other than through a third party for child contacts.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said she was satisfied for several months O’Brien had harassed his ex-partner with phone calls and drove past her house.

“You seem to have been obsessed with the idea that she was in a relationship and you wouldn’t let it go,” said District Judge Preston. “You should have stopped contacting her when she told you to.”

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said some messages referred to child contact but in others he called the victim a “lying bitch” and a “little slag.”

“She answered some of the calls and told him to stop,” said Mr Tindall. 

O’Brien, who was not represented, said his former partner had called him and accused him of “all sorts.” “I was ringing back to try and get my point across,” he said. “If I had thought about it a bit more I wouldn’t have made so many calls.”