A MAN facing sentence for two offences related to drug driving said they had “wrecked” his life.

Blackburn magistrates heard Michael David Moir twice refused to provide a specimen of blood for laboratory testing.

On one occasion police were reacting to a report of a possible drug driver.

On the second occasion he was found to be in possession of a small quantity of cannabis.

Moir, 22, of Chipping Road, Thornley, pleaded guilty to two charges of failing to provide a specimen and possession of cannabis. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 12 days rehabilitation activity requirement and 100 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 36 months.

District Judge Alexandra Preston told Moir it was important for him to understand that when he drove having taken drugs he put other road users at risk.

“You deliberately refused to co-operate with the police making your position worse,” she added.

Moir told the court he now had to catch three trains and a bus to get to work.

“My job is ruined, my life is ruined, its wrecked my life,” he said.