A primary school in Colne has unveiled its new ‘state of the art’ outdoor learning centre, filled with modern equipment and sensory play areas.

Lord Street Primary School, which is part of The Pennine Trust, has unveiled its new outdoor play are for reception class and playground.

It is described as a vibrant and engaging space designed to promote physical activity, imaginative play, and social interaction among our students in the early years and across key stage one and two.

The playground and outdoor learning areas, are a result of months of planning and collaboration, representing a significant investment in the educational experiences of our pupils.

The new areas boast a variety of features, designed to captivate and challenge our students while providing a safe and inclusive environment for play.

Equipped with modern equipment and structures, the outdoor learning area has been fitted with age-appropriate play zones, including climbing walls, interactive play panels, and sensory play areas.

These carefully curated elements cater to the diverse needs and interests of our students, fostering their physical, cognitive, and social development.

"The unveiling of the new outdoor provisions mark an exciting milestone for the school," said Hayley Walsh, headteacher of Lord Street Primary School.

"We firmly believe that a well-designed outdoor provision can serve as an extension of the classroom, promoting holistic development and supporting our commitment to creating a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for our students.

“We are thrilled to offer this outstanding facility that will inspire creativity, encourage active play, and contribute to the overall well-being of our students.

“Lord Street Primary School extends its deepest thanks to all those involved in making the project a reality.

“We invite parents and students to join us in celebrating the opening of this exciting addition to our school and local community.”