A drug addict who repeatedly stole to fund his habit was described as "his own worst enemy."

Blackburn magistrates heard Shaun Clark repeatedly failed to comply with the probation service who were trying to help him.

His latest "snub" resulted in him losing a residential rehab placement with the Thomas Project.

"He failed to turn up for an appointment and the bed at the Thomas Project has now been given to someone else," said Tracey Harris, for the probation service.

Clark, 32, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to theft of clothing worth £143 from Outdoor Action. He was jailed for four weeks.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said "sadly" she had no option but to jail Clark.

"You have an appalling record for shop theft and dishonesty offences and a very poor history for not doing what probation told him to do.

"The only chance you have is if you accept the help the probation service offers you and comply with post sentence supervision," said District Judge Preston.

"You are the author of your own misfortune."

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client was a living example of the difficulties of growing up in Blackburn.

"Drugs were rife in the area where he was brought up," said Mr Taylor. "He started on cannabis at a young age and was then preyed upon. He has ended up with a severe crack cocaine and heroin problem."

Mr Taylor said as a result of his client's addiction the offending just continued.

"He doesn't want to live this lifestyle but when he gets out he doesn't help himself," said Mr Taylor. "The call of the drugs is always too strong."