A man found with cannabis inside a locked safe in his bedroom was warned to not “mess up” by the judge.

Connor Burns, 18, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis with intent to supply on May 4.

Police were interest in Burns for another reason but on a search of his address, they found a locked safe.

He handed over the key and inside were two resealable bags containing cannabis, a glass jar of cannabis, a sum of cash, and a set of scales.

Preston Crown Court heard Burns fully accepted his role in the supply of drugs and fully regrets his role in it. It was also said he is well aware offending of this nature could lead to a custodial sentence.

His barrister added he no longer engages in the practice, saying it is not part of the life he wants to live anymore.

Sentencing, Judge Andrew Jeffries said: “I do not want you leaving court today thinking being in possession of £1,000 of cannabis is not a big deal. It is.

“I am treating this as a one off. Do not think this is the way judges will deal with it across the board.

“I am going to reserve this case to myself because sometimes I get thing wrong. Sometimes I get the wool pulled over my eyes and a story I get told turns out to be a load of codswallop.

“If you mess up over the next 12 months I’ll know I’ve messed up as well, and in those circumstances you will be looking at a prison sentence.”

Judge Jeffries sentenced Burns, of Charter Street, Accrington, to a 12-month community order, with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days. No unpaid work order was made.