The magistrates courts are hotbeds of criminal activity, hearing cases involving defendants from every walk of life.

In June, hundreds of criminals graced the lower courts in East Lancashire, appearing for offences ranging from theft to racial abuse, assault to harassment, trespass to domestic abuse. 

Punishments were dished out in the form of fines, community orders and even short prison sentences. 

Here, we've rounded up all the cases we attended in Blackburn Magistrates' Court last month:

Children left home alone while East Lancashire mum got drunk

A mum who left her four children home alone while she went shopping ended up in a pub getting drunk.

Blackburn magistrates heard police were already at the house when the woman returned home at 11pm driving a car and clearly drunk.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to four charges of child neglect and driving with excess alcohol.

Full story here: Children left home alone while East Lancashire mum got drunk

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ Staff)

Man who fell off wagon damaged Darwen hotel room

A man punched holes in the walls of a Darwen hotel after drinking heavily.

Blackburn magistrates heard Anthony Craig Halstead had been on the wagon for some time and reacted badly to the drink.

Halstead, 39, of Birch Avenue, Haslingden, pleaded guilty to criminal damage to the walls of room 110 at the Travelodge, Commercial Road, Darwen. He was fined £120 with £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

Full story here: Man who fell off wagon damaged Darwen hotel room

Lancashire Telegraph: Darwen TravelodgeDarwen Travelodge (Image: NQ Staff)

Taxi driver racially abused by Darwen passenger

A resident at supported living accommodation racially abused a taxi driver who had taken him home.

Blackburn magistrates heard Phillip Wiggins had an extensive record for drink related offending and had caused problems for residents close to the unit in Exchange Street, Darwen.

The court was told the prosecution intended to apply for a criminal behaviour order to curb the defendant's behaviour in the future.

Full story here: Taxi driver racially abused by Darwen passenger

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ Staff)

Blackburn child sex offender found with children's toys in his hostel

A convicted child sex offender was found to have a number of children's toys in his room at a bail hostel.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher Peter Scott told police he had bought the toys to give as gifts when he had children of his own.

Sending him back to prison for seven days, District Judge Alexandra Preston said she did not accept his explanation.

"The presence of these items cause me great concern in the context of your previous convictions," said District Judge Preston.

Full story here: Blackburn child sex offender found with children's toys in his hostel

Man in dock charged with alleged child sex offences in Bacup

A man has been in court after being charged with child sexual offences.

Police have arrested and charged Carl Thomas, 39, of Albert Street, Todmorden, with three counts of sexual activity with a child, two counts of making indecent images of a child, one count of possessing an indecent image of a child and one count of perverting the course of public justice.

It is alleged that the incidents took place in Bacup.

Full story here: Man in dock charged with alleged child sex offences in Bacup

Lancashire Telegraph: Royal Blackburn HospitalRoyal Blackburn Hospital (Image: NQ)

Blackburn: Nurse attacked on night shift by patient she was caring for

A hospital patient launched a brutal attack on a nurse as she went about her duties on the night shift.

Blackburn magistrates heard Hristin Angelov attacked the nurse as she was attending to a patient in the next bed.

Angelov got out of his bed and she was concerned he would pull his cannula out and told him to stay where he was.

He responded by grabbing her arm and twisted it behind her back. He then began punching her repeatedly to her back and the back of her head.

Full story here: Blackburn: Nurse attacked on night shift by patient she was caring for

Blackburn man waved axe around and brandished meat cleaver

A cry for help spiralled out of control and ended with a man brandishing a meat cleaver and an axe and assaulting a police sergeant.

Blackburn magistrates heard Luke Mulgrew blamed his deteriorating mental health for his erratic behaviour.

Mulgrew, 36, of Douglas Place, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to affray and assaulting an emergency worker. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Full story here: Blackburn man waved axe around and brandished meat cleaver

Lancashire Telegraph: Belgrave StreetBelgrave Street (Image: Google Maps)

Nelson: Bull terrier type dog attacked two men in neighbour dispute

A bull terrier type dog joined in a neighbour dispute and attacked two men.

Blackburn magistrates heard that when police arrived one of the victims was lying on the floor covered in blood having suffered numerous puncture wounds to his leg. The second victim had left the scene.

David Haley, 24, of Belgrave Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control. He was given a 12-week suspended jail term with a 20-day rehab activity requirement and a six-month alcohol treatment requirement. He was ordered to pay £100 compensation to the police officer and £154 victim surcharge. The dog's fate will be decided at a future hearing.

Full story here: Nelson: Bull terrier type dog attacked two men in neighbour dispute

Blackburn: Partner harassed woman when she ended relationship

A man subjected his partner to a weekend of harassment after she ended their relationship.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mark Parkinson bombarded the victim with calls, texts and e-mails, turned up at her house and spoke to her seven year old daughter who was playing in a park.

The victim described his behaviour as “bizarre” and said she had nightmares and was scared of what he might do.

Full story here: Blackburn: Partner harassed woman when she ended relationship

Lancashire Telegraph: McDonald'sMcDonald's (Image: NQ)

Whalley man used McDonald's drive-thru while on ketamine

Staff and members of the public reported a driver who appeared to be intoxicated as he went through a McDonald's drive-thru.

Blackburn magistrates heard Owen Kieran Brown's car was seen hitting the kerb and being driven erratically.

When police saw the vehicle on the A671 near Whalley they described it as swerving all over the road.

Brown, 28, of Manorfields, Whalley, pleaded guilty to driving while over the limit for ketamine and diazepam.

Full story here: Whalley man used McDonald's drive-thru while on ketamine

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ)

Accrington man drawn into benefits fraud

A 54-year-old man with no previous convictions was drawn into a benefits fraud which was being executed nationally.

Blackburn magistrates heard Craig Ingham allowed his details to be used to make fraudulent claims for benefits involving children and housing costs.

The total of the fraudulent claim in his name was £5,574.

Ingham, 54, of Pansy Street South, Accrington, pleaded guilty to four charges of retaining a wrongful credit.

Full story here: Accrington man drawn into benefits fraud

Blackburn man used hammer to damage partner's car

A drunken man upped the ante on three visits to his partner’s home.

Blackburn magistrates heard on the first occasion Nicky John McPhee banged on the window at 5.40am and then left. He returned at 7am and this time smashed a window. When he came back at 8.20am he used a hammer to cause nearly £1,000 worth of damage to her car.

McPhee, 29, of Fielding Crescent, Blackburn, admitted to two charges of criminal damage. He was given an eight-week suspended prison term with £85 costs.

Full story here: Blackburn man used hammer to damage partner's car

Lancashire Telegraph: David ReadDavid Read (Image: Lancs Police)

David Read murder accused appears in Blackburn dock

A man has made his first court appearance charged with the murder of 'gentle giant' David Read.

Mr Read, 50, was found dead in his flat on Leamington Road, Blackburn, on Wednesday, June 7, after police were called at 11.38am to reports of a sudden death.

Emergency services attended and found the body David. A post-mortem examination showed he died of multiple injuries.

A man was arrested over the weekend and yesterday, Tuesday, June 13, he made his first appearance in court after being charged with murder late on Sunday.

Full story here: David Read murder accused appears in Blackburn dock

Lancashire Telegraph: TK Maxx ColneTK Maxx Colne (Image: Google)

Drug addicted Colne shoplifter targeted TK Maxx in town

A man lapsed back into drugs and stealing to pay for them when a three-year relationship ended, a court has heard.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told that while Aaron Bridge was involved with his partner he had not offended.

Bridge, 35, of Oak Street, Colne, pleaded guilty to two charges of stealing cosmetics from TK Maxx in Colne.

Full story here: Drug addicted Colne shoplifter targeted TK Maxx in town

Newchurch: Man assaulted ex-partner while on sofa with 4-week-old baby

A man subjected his ex-partner to a "humiliating" assault which started while they were sitting on the sofa with their four-week-old baby between them.

Blackburn magistrates heard an audio recording of the incident which District Judge Alexandra Preston said clearly showed the victim had been in "great distress."

Malachy Huwitt, 25, of Staghills Road, Newchurch, pleaded guilty to assault.

Full story here: Newchurch: Man assaulted ex-partner while on sofa with 4-week-old baby

Lancashire Telegraph: Burnley Manchester RoadBurnley Manchester Road (Image: Google Maps)

Man fined for Burnley Manchester Road trespass offence

Police were called to a Burnley railway station following reports of two drunken men on the tracks, a court has heard.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told how one of the men was alleged to have "flashed" at two women waiting for their train during the incident on October 23, 2022.

Zak Jon Greenwood, 32, of Cleggswood Avenue, Littleborough, was convicted in his absence of being drunk and disorderly at Burnley Manchester Road Station and trespassing on the railway lines.

Full story here: Man fined for Burnley Manchester Road trespass offence

Lancashire Telegraph: Burnley M&SBurnley M&S (Image: Google Maps)

Man admits stealing steaks from Marks & Spencer, Burnley

A man who stole rump steaks on a Saturday went gourmet for his Sunday dinner when he returned to the same store the next day and stole Aberdeen Angus rump steaks.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told how Anthony Herdman got away with the prime meat on both occasions but was subsequently caught on CCTV and identified by police.

Herdman, 29, of no fixed address but previously of Nelson, pleaded guilty to two charges of stealing meat from Marks and Spencer in St James' Street, Burnley.

Full story here: Man admits stealing steaks from Marks & Spencer, Burnley

Man's drinks with neighbour ended in police being called

A man who had invited his neighbour round for a drink ended up calling the police because of his behaviour.

Blackburn magistrates heard Scott Mark Melia was taking anti-psychotic medication which didn’t mix well with the alcohol.

Melia, 40, of Tanpits Road, Church, admitted to being drunk and disorderly. He was given a 12-month conditional discharge with £85 costs.

Scott Parker, prosecuting, said police attended three times after being contacted by the neighbour. On the first occasion Melia was standing in the road preventing cars passing.

Full story here: Man's drinks with neighbour ended in police being called

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ Staff)

Blackburn man who hit cousin across head with a crutch jailed

A man hit his cousin across the head with his crutch in a row over him continuing to stay at her auntie's home.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mark Smith claimed he had the right to live in the property and said he couldn't understand why he was arrested when she was trespassing on his property.

Smith, 66, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, was convicted after trial of assault.

Full story here: Blackburn man who hit cousin across head with a crutch jailed

Builder broke restraining order by taking up work contract in Colne

A man who was subject to a restraining order which prohibited him entering Colne took a chance by going to work on a building site in the town.

Blackburn magistrates heard careless talk by Peter James Sawley in a butty shop eventually led to the owner contacting the police.

Sawley, 44, of Garden Street, Padiham, pleaded guilty to breach of a restraining order. He was remanded in custody for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Full story here: Builder broke restraining order by taking up work contract in Colne

Bacup man beat partner he'd been with for almost 20 years

A man who assaulted his partner of 17 years was described in court as a "brutal bully".

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told how Nathan Lane punched the victim so hard on November 20, 2022, it loosened her teeth.

The court was told he had a previous conviction for assaulting the same woman, who he had been in a relationship with since the pair were in primary school.

Lane, 37, of Cockerell Drive, Bacup, pleaded guilty to assault. He was sentenced to eight weeks in prison suspended for two years.

Full story here: Bacup man beat partner he'd been with for almost 20 years

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ Staff)

Man punched to floor and kicked by grieving relatives

A bar man working at a wake was attacked by the husband and son of the deceased.

Blackburn magistrates heard the victim was punched to the floor and then kicked repeatedly by the grieving relatives.

The court was told the victim believed he had been mistaken for someone else.

Lee Cowley, 46, and Jacob Lee Cowley, 18, both of Glenshiels Avenue, Hoddlesden, pleaded guilty to assaulting Peter Hayes.

Full story here: Man punched to floor and kicked by grieving relatives

Lancashire Telegraph: Rovers playersRovers players (Image: Sport)

Man blamed for costing Blackburn Rovers play-offs given ban

The man widely blamed for costing Blackburn Rovers a play-off spot and the chance of a £100 million Premier League place has been banned from all football grounds for five years.

The hearing at Blackburn Magistrates' Court viewed video footage of Carl Hayes running on the pitch at Deepdale - home ground of Preston North End - in the dying seconds of the Championship game between Preston and Blackburn Rovers on April 22.

At the time of his invasion, Blackburn held a 1-0 lead over their Lancashire rivals.

Full story here: Man blamed for costing Blackburn Rovers play-offs given ban

Drunk Burnley man put foot through ex's front door and hid in bush

A man turned up at his former partner's home late at night shouting her name and calling her a slag.

Blackburn magistrates heard Michael Heaton put his foot through her front door and when police arrived they found him hiding in a bush.

Heaton, 30, of Accrington Road, Burnley, pleaded guilty to criminal damage. He was fined £120 with £85 costs and £48 victim surcharge.

The court was told Heaton's behaviour had deteriorated because of his drinking and use of drugs.

Full story here: Drunk Burnley man put foot through ex's front door and hid in bush

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates' CourtBlackburn Magistrates' Court (Image: NQ Staff)

Mum pleads guilty to abduction charge for taking her son to Cyprus

A woman took her six-year-old son to Cyprus despite him being subject to a social services care order.

Blackburn magistrates heard the child's school raised the alarm when he was absent without consent.

The court heard inquiries revealed the mother had flown to Cyprus with her son and another person and an international child abduction order was issued.

Full story here: Mum pleads guilty to abduction charge for taking her son to Cyprus

Disqualified drink driver from Church double the limit

A drink driver was warned that he had come close to going to prison when he appeared before Blackburn magistrates.

The court heard Scott Matthew Hill was disqualified from driving when he was stopped by police in the early hours. He was found to be more than double the legal alcohol limit.

Hill, 32, of York Street, Church, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and without insurance and while over the drink drive limit.

Full story here: Disqualified drink driver from Church double the limit

Lancashire Telegraph: Railway RoadRailway Road (Image: Google Maps)

Blackburn 'Menace' accosted woman on way to work and exposed himself

A woman on her way to work at 7.35am was accosted by a man in Blackburn town centre.

The town's magistrates heard Raymund Varadi offered the woman £400 to have sex with him on December 28, 2022.

When she tried to run off he blocked her way and then exposed his genitals.

Varadi, 21, of Herschell Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to indecently exposing himself.

Full story here: Blackburn 'Menace' accosted woman on way to work and exposed himself

Ex-police officer sexually assaulted teen near Darwen Park

A former police officer with a history of predatory behaviour has admitted sexually assaulting a teenage girl near a park in Darwen in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard how James White was caught on CCTV following the 16-year-old girl in his car before attacking her in Bolton Road.

The court was told White had previous convictions “of a predatory nature” some of which had involved former police colleagues.

White, 39, of Spinners Court, Buckshaw Village, Chorley, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm and sexual assault on a female.

Full story here: Ex-police officer sexually assaulted teen near Darwen Park

Lancashire Telegraph: MP Sara BritcliffeMP Sara Britcliffe (Image: Gov)

MP Sara Britcliffe told by Accrington threats man: Your family is next

A man who sent threatening e-mails to the MP for Hyndburn was told that the offence "struck at the heart of our democracy."

District Judge Jack McGarva told Howard Hudson that Sara Britcliffe should be free to do what she was mandated to do by the electorate and not be subjected to threats.

"She was clearly very distressed by the messages you sent," said District Judge McGarva. "I accept this was out of character and your inhibitions were removed by alcohol."

Full story here: MP Sara Britcliffe told by Accrington threats man: Your family is next

Lancashire Telegraph: Crack cocaineCrack cocaine (Image: Web)

Blackburn family's plea to court not to jail prolific shoplifter

A court was asked to delay sentencing a prolific shoplifter to see if there was a chance for him to beat the drug addiction that was behind his offending.

The court was told the defendant's family were desperately trying to help Benjamin Wareing kick his habit.

They had approached the Thomas Project to try and get him a rehab placement after the Probation Service said they didn't have the funding to assist.

Damien Pickup, defending Wareing, said his client accepted he would be leaving court and going to prison.

Full story here: Blackburn family's plea to court not to jail prolific shoplifter

Lancashire Telegraph: Royal Blackburn Hospital A&ERoyal Blackburn Hospital A&E (Image: NQ Staff)

Blackburn man assaulted partner's sister while on bail for A&E attack

A man assaulted his partner's sister while he was on bail for assaulting a police officer in the A&E department at Royal Blackburn Hospital.

Blackburn magistrates heard David Lee Cairney claimed he had not been able to take his prescribed medication because of a mix-up at the surgery and this had affected his behaviour.

Cairney, 35, of Mosley Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker, two assaults on the female and criminal damage to her phone.

Full story here: Blackburn man assaulted partner's sister while on bail for A&E attack