Eight new homes could be built near Accrington providing planning permission is granted by the council.

Omar Sharif submitted plans to Hyndburn Council proposing to build eight three and four-bedroom homes with driveways and/or garages on land south of Burnley Road, just off Deer Park in Huncoat.

A planning statement submitted to the council reads: “These are detached properties and are intended to have matching materials to the properties located on Loweswater Close to the north of the site.

“The proposal also includes the provision of an access road to the site.

“The proposal consists of eight two-storey detached dwellings consisting of four three-bedroom and four four-bedroom dwellings.

“The dwellings are identical in size and layout but are laid out as pairs in a symmetrical format (mirrored).

“Each dwelling has a private rear garden and front drive for vehicle parking.

“There is a 6.5m wide road proposed with a 1.5m wide footpath.

“There is a larger space towards the end of the road which are for vehicles to manoeuvre/turn around.”

Planning permission was granted in 2016 on the adjacent site for the erection of 27 homes with associated infrastructure and landscaping at land off Foxwood Chase, Deer Park.

The application site was once part of this adjacent land but was subdivided and sold off separately.

The land was also ‘greenfield’ but the local planning authority argued that whilst the proposal would normally be considered contrary to the development plan, the council cannot demonstrate a five year supply of housing.

The planning statement adds: “The consequence of this is that the housing supply policies within the development plan are considered out of date. In such cases the national planning policy framework requires housing applications to be determined in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development and states that applications should be approved unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.

“The proposal is appropriate and would help contribute towards delivering high quality family size homes in the borough.

“The adjacent planning consent for 27 homes establishes that the land can be developed. Hence, outline planning consent is kindly requested.”

Anyone wishing to comment on the plans can do so via Hyndburn Council’s website.