A nursery which is described as a ‘special place’ has been deemed to be ‘outstanding’.

Ofsted visited Lakeview Children's Nursery on Skipton Road, Foulridge, on April 12, giving it the highest grade.

Inspectors spoke of how children have a ‘wonderful time at this nursery’ and receive a ‘very warm welcome from enthusiastic staff’.

The staff put a strong emphasis on supporting children's communication and language, using sign language, and visual prompts and patiently explaining tasks.

The report reads: “Babies giggle and confidently join in with actions when being read and sung to.

“Older children interact with the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.

“They clearly share ideas based on their knowledge and understanding of the story.

“Such activities further reinforce how children take turns, alongside developing their language and communication skills.

“Children are confident speakers, who display a wide vocabulary.”

Learning and teaching are ‘extremely effective’ and activities are ‘rich, varied and meaningful’.

The curriculum supports all children, including those with SEND, step by step, to reach their targets.

Inspectors noted that children display exceptionally high levels of independence.

The report adds: “Even from a young age they are able to set tables for lunch, put on coats, cut fruit snacks and access water stations.

“Children show determination to do things for themselves.

“They learn about a healthy lifestyle and are encouraged to make their own choices.

“Children are empowered and well prepared for the next stage of education, including the transition on to school.”

Children are praised for achievements and supported through their emotions.

Older children develop emotional literacy and link feelings to their own experiences, with inspcetors saying that when listening to 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' the children talk about how each bear feels and why.

The team's many first-class achievements are celebrated in recognition of the positive impact on all aspects of children's learning.

The nursery is described as a ‘special place that is highly valued by the families it serves’.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.