CAMPAIGNERS from Lancashire trade unions have petitioned the county council over the government's controversial Illegal Immigration Bill.

Representatives of LATUC (Lancashire Association of Trade Union Councils) are particularly concerned over the 'divisive' use of barges to hold asylum seekers.

Peter Billington, the Accrington-based LATUC secretary, said: "We wanted to restate the trade union movement's commitment to a humane policy that includes safe legal routes for refugees and asylum seekers to enter the UK.

"We support the 'Refugees Welcome Here' campaign and we will be organising support for Care4Calais."

The association is circulating a petition urging the county council to make Lancashire a 'County of Sanctuary' for refugees.

The 'sanctuary' network currently features 36 towns and cities, offering respite to people said to be fleeing 'violence and persecution'.

The petition adds: "We believe that people seeking protection from war and persecution should be welcomed and that everyone’s claim for asylum should be treated equally and fairly.

"We believe that the UK should offer sanctuary to those who need it and we oppose laws which criminalise refugees. We defend the right of people to seek safety from war and persecution in the UK.

"We believe it is necessary to speak out against attempts to punish those who make their own way to safety.

"We reject anti-refugee laws which will risk the lives and well-being of people and we support a refugee protection system that treats all people with dignity and compassion.