Blackburn Cathedral hosted clergy from across Lancashire this week for the annual Chrism Eucharist. 

The service is said to be the highlight of the year for clergy where, in the presence of members of the congregations they serve, they are invited to reaffirm their ordination promise.  

The Chrism Eucharist is part of the way that clergy prepare themselves to lead their congregations through the events of Holy Week: Good Friday and Easter Day. 

The service led by the Bishop of Burnley, the Rt Revd Philip North, was also attended by the Anglican Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Revd Dr Jill Duff; the Archdeacon of Blackburn, the Venerable Mark Ireland; the Archdeacon of Lancaster, the Venerable David Picken; and the Dean of Blackburn, the Very Revd Peter Howell-Jones.  

During the service, as well as inviting the clergy renew their Ordination promises, Bishop Philip blessed the three oils that are used by many clergy in their ministry.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Clergy from across Lancashire are pictured at Blackburn Cathedral during the Chrism Service and (below) Archdeacon Mark (left) and Archdeacon David (right) in the procession at the start of the Chrism Eucharist

Lancashire Telegraph:

The oil of healing brings comfort to the sick. The oil of Baptism is used to make the sign of the cross on the heads of those to be baptised. The oil of Chrism, mixed with balsam, is a sign of being set apart for service. It is Chrism oil that will be used to anoint the King at his forthcoming Coronation on May 6.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Chrism oils lined up ready for taking back to parishes after the Chrism Eucharist

Presenting the three Chrism oils were Rev. Sarah Gill, Bishop’s Advisor on UKME and GMH matters; Rev. Calum Crombie, Bishop’s Advisor on Prison Chaplaincy and Rev. Andrew Horsfall, Bishop’s Advisor on Health and Social Care Chaplaincy. 

Bishop Philip said: "The Chrism Eucharist is a solemn and important moment in the life of the Diocese, a time when God reminds us of our call to serve 

“We now disperse again across Lancashire to continue our journey through Holy Week. My prayer is that our clergy will feel refreshed and renewed and ready to share the Good News of the Easter story with all the people of Lancashire.” 

Lancashire Telegraph:

Bishop Philip speaks to assembled clergy outside the Cathedral, gathered after the Chrism Eucharist