Pupils get on well with each other at a primary school where they ‘enjoy’ going.

Read St John’s CofE Primary School, on Straits Lane, Read, has been deemed’ good’ following its most recent Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors said that pupils enjoy coming into school and appreciate the support they receive from teachers.

Staff are ‘quick to deal with incidents of bullying’ and aspire for pupils to ‘achieve highly and behave positively’.

The report said: “Leaders place a strong emphasis on promoting respect and building a sense of community in the school.

“They create opportunities for pupils to learn about differences and to be active citizens in their local area.

“For instance, leaders enable pupils to engage in a range of charitable endeavours, supporting hospices and visiting nursing homes.

“Pupils also develop awareness of the wider world beyond school, through links with different types of schools and visits to a range of places of worship.

“This prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain.”

Pupils needs are identified ‘quickly and accurately’, with SEND pupils receiving the help they need to succeed.

The curriculum is ambitious and leaders use visitors and trips to bring the subjects to life.

They said that some teachers are further ahead than others in the new subject curriculums.

Due to this, there are some issues. The report reads: “Sometimes, teachers do not choose the most appropriate teaching activities to help pupils learn and know more.

“Leaders have not checked how well the revised curriculums are being implemented so that they can offer suitable advice and guidance to shore up teachers’ skills and knowledge.

“A few teachers do not use assessment strategies effectively to check how well pupils have learned what they have been taught.

“This means that gaps in pupils’ understanding are not spotted quickly enough.

“This hinders the progress that some pupils make through the curriculum.”

Arrangements for safeguarding are effective.