Plans have been submitted to build seven three-bedroom detached bungalows for the elderly on land already earmarked for development.

Access, landscaping and associated works would also be incorporated into the proposals if approval is granted for the dwellings, to be built on land south of Hill Street, Montford Road, in Brierfield.

Five Thirds Developments Ltd lodged the application with Pendle Council at the beginning of March.

A planning statement submitted alongside the plans reads: “A large proportion of the site is grassland and low scaled scrub planting.

"It sits withing the designated green belt of Pendle Council. The site is also within a zone 2 flood zone which will require the submission of a flood risk assessment as part of the application.

“An application for the erection of eight dwellings on the site was approved in 1994, and the application consisted of a combination of a single two storey detached and largely semi-detached units.

“Planning permission for eight dwellings was lawfully commenced but not completed.

"That approved development can be completed at any time without any need for further planning permission. As such, the site is not a ‘greenfield’ site but is ‘previously developed land’.”

The more recent scheme will provide seven bungalows, three of which will be aligned along the east boundary with gardens facing on to the public right of way.

Hedge planting is proposed along the east perimeter to screen and fence of the plots.

A stretch of green area is also created to the north along plot one and tall planting will help to soften and create a welcoming green access to the site.

The remaining four bungalows will be aligned with gardens along the west boundary.

Stone walls approximately three to four metre high in some places, separate the site from the neighbouring property.

All units are provided with two parking spaces as well as four extra spaces on the site and space for electric vehicle charging points.

The planning statement goes on: “The change to a single storey development minimises the impact on the sensitive green belt site, reducing the building volume and the overall height of the buildings relative to the previously approved application.

“A reduction in building density for eight to seven units also aids in maintaining the openness of the site.”

Anyone wishing to comment has until March 23 to do so.