A historic East Lancashire building has once again featured on the Theatres Trust’s at risk register and could be lost forever if steps are not take to preserve it.

Three other buildings in other parts of Lancashire also featured on the list.

Burnley Empire Theatre, on Cow Lane, is still on the list which highlights theatres across the UK under threat of closure, redevelopment or severe decay, but which all have the potential to be revived for their local communities.

It has been on the list since it was created by the Theatres Trust’s in 2006.

It has a risk factor - meaning risk of demolition, alteration to another use, local development adversely affecting the theatre, change of ownership, decay of the building or capital/revenue concerns - of seven out of 10.

The chair of the Burnley Empire Trust said work is still ongoing to “bring the building back to life”.

Sophie Gibson said: “Progress at the Burnley Empire is going incredibly well thanks to the ongoing support from Theatres Trust, and the register is so important for highlighting our venue and others alike throughout the country.

“The Burnley Empire is an iconic building and we have recently been focusing on the ongoing phased approach to bringing the building back to life and back into use for the people of Burnley and beyond.

“Thanks to the support of the Architectural Heritage Fund we've recently been working with consultants to explore reopening one particular part of the large historic venue whilst the rest of the venue continues with preservation and restoration works.

“A lot of the time we're quietly working away nonstop behind the scenes but expect to see more highlights and milestones with progress this year including fundraising events.”

The theatre isn’t the only Lancashire building to have made the list and three others, in Blackpool and Morecambe, also featured.

The Winter Gardens Pavilion, in Blackpool, is back on the list and has a risk factor of eight, which is one higher than last year.

With a risk factor of seven, one lower than 2022’s ranking, the Victoria Pavilion in Morecambe’s Winter Gardens is also back on the list.

Morecambe Winter Gardens has been on the Theatres at Risk Register since 2006.

The Joe Longthorne Theatre, in Blackpool, is also back on the list with a ranking of six.

It has been on the Theatres at Risk Register since 2014 after the north pier it is located on was damaged by strong winds in 2013.

No additional theatres were added to register this year, despite the challenging environment faced by theatres due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic, the cost of living crisis and funding cuts.

Theatres Trust continues to provide free advice and support with the aim of preventing more theatres from reaching the critical stage of being added to the ‘at risk list’, particularly taking into account the difficult challenges facing theatres this year and the resulting pressures being put on theatre buildings.

Theatres Trust director Jon Morgan said: “As the true impact of rising construction and energy costs, cost-of-living crisis and squeezed council budgets becomes known, the challenge to secure the futures of Theatres at Risk will be more difficult than ever and there is a real fear that more operational theatres may become ‘at risk’.

“However, despite the difficulties, local support and collaborative working still pays off and the opportunities these buildings offer their communities are immense.”