A DJ who broke into the mother of his unborn child’s house, grabbed her by the neck and began abusing her while high on drink and drugs, has avoided jail.

Krystian Blazewicz pleaded guilty to criminal damage and affray and was handed a suspended sentence at Preston Crown Court last week.

Prosecuting, Paul Treble told the court how on October 1 at around 10.50pm, Blazewicz’s victim was at home with her partner and two children, who were asleep upstairs.

Mr Treble said: “She heard a noise while she was laid in bed and went downstairs, and saw the defendant climbing in through a broken living room window.

“She tried to hold the living room door shut but he was too strong for her and pushed it open, and grabbed her around the neck and made threats of violence towards her.

“She tried to call the police but he took her phone and threw it on the floor and while stood over her started abusing her again.”

Mr Treble said Blazewicz then went upstairs while his victim was phoning the police to explain what was happening.

While he was upstairs he made threats towards his victim’s partner before coming downstairs and abusing her again, calling her a “whore”.

He then left the property but remained outside for a while, only leaving because he knew the police were coming.

Mr Treble went on: “The police arrived and the property was made secure but the defendant returned at 1.20am.

“The police were called again and arrived promptly and Blazewicz was arrested in his car, where officers found cannabis and a knife.

“The victim said she was terrified and told police she thought he was on drugs.”

It was heard Blazewicz had also tried to phone his victim eight times and sent two further messages of abuse to her.

In his police interview the 35-year-old, of Chapel Street, Brierfield, made no comment but stated the victim was his “family” and “nothing happened” and “some days she says this and some days she says that”.

In mitigation, Umar Shazad said his client worked as a disc jockey and had one previous conviction for possessing an imitation firearm, but it had been accepted by the Crown the firearm was being used during the making of a music video.

He also said the victim was pregnant with Blazewicz’s child.

Sentencing, Judge Simon Medland said: “I have to sentence you for your aggressive and completely unacceptable behaviour.

“The assertion is made you were under the influence of drink and or drugs and your behaviour towards her is concerned with that.

“You had no right to enter her property, you had no right to behave like a violent thug and in any event this such behaviour will not be tolerated.”

Blazewicz was given an eight month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and handed a five year restraining order in respect of his victim.