A motorist has been arrested after police found he was driving while more than three times the legal drink drive limit

Police stopped the driver in Brierfield after his Fiat Punto was seen swerving across the road.

He was breathalysed and initially blew a reading of 127 micrograms per 100ml of breath, which dropped to 121mcg in custody. This is more than three times the legal limit of 35mcg.

Police said the motorist only claimed to have had two beers and a shot.

A Lancashire Road Police spokesperson said: “Male stopped in Brierfield driving a Punto seen all over the road.

“Driver blows 127 and is arrested. In custody he provides a lower, evidential reading, of 121.The legal limit is 35.

“’But I've only had two beers and one shot officer', says the soon to be disqualified man.”