An annual Christmas light switch-on and carol night in Clitheroe has raised a fantastic £1,500 for the North West Air Ambulance charity.

On Thursday, December 1, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe, hosted its annual Christmas Light Switch-On and Carol Night, in the historic Tithe Barn to raise money for the North West Air Ambulance.

A spokesperson for Browsholme Hall said the evening was a huge success with a full-house and enthusiastically supported by all the local community.

After the event, a spokesperson said: “What a fantastic evening last night was.

“We raised £1,500 for the North West Air Ambulance Charity (despite what our giant cheque says!) all thanks to our incredible community who came and supported the event, and our wonderful suppliers who made it an evening to remember.

Lancashire Telegraph: Lights are up at Browsholme HallLights are up at Browsholme Hall (Image: Browsholme Hall)

“Slaidburn Silver Band played music to a room full of people singing carols followed by Ryan Smith who completed a fantastic evening of entertainment.

“A highlight of the evening was Browsholme' s first ever 'Bongo Bingo' which was met with unexpected enthusiasm by all.

“Raffle prizes were kindly donated by Master of Wine Miles Corish, artist John Clarke, Sue from Champagne Cakes and the Courtyard was dressed to impress by the wonderful Amore Event Stylists.

“Thanks to the community who came together and supported the event and their wonderful suppliers who made it an event to remember, £1,500 was raised by the end of the evening - the most raised to date by the event.

“We're so grateful for your support and thank you for coming.

Lancashire Telegraph: The event was a huge successThe event was a huge success (Image: Browsholme Hall)

“Save the date for next year - December 7, 2023, (provisionally), we're already excited!”

In rural areas of Clitheroe, the Air Ambulance is an essential part of the community and a service many rely on.

Each year NWAA must raise over £9.5 million to remain operational and they receive no government or NHS funding – it’s only thanks to the generosity of the public that they can continue flying to save lives which is why Browsholme Hall wanted to donate the funds to them.