An application to build four homes on land close to a golf club has been approved.

Mr Ansar of MA Holdings Ltd originally applied to build six detached homes on land north of Rockwood Lodge in Halifax Road, Nelson, in January, but the plans were amended in April, and the number of homes reduced to four.

Permission in principle was given for the building of the homes, and in June, Nelson, Brierfield and Reedley Committee delegated the application for approval subject to the withdrawal of an objection by the Coal Authority, which had raised concerns over the development being in a high-risk area.

A coal mining risk assessment was carried out and following this, a report to Pendle Council from the Coal Authority read: “The proposed dwellings do not appear to fall within that area but the access, parking and garage does.

“A coal mining risk assessment report has been submitted and the Coal Authority have responded with no objection subject to conditions for further site investigations and mitigation if found to be necessary.”

The application site is on open land to the east of Nelson Golf Club within the open countryside adjacent to the settlement boundary of Nelson, and is designated as open space.

Multiple objections were raised by nearby residents who listed a multitude of concerns including poor design and scale of the plans; harm to the character of the landscape and visual amenity of the area and loss of open space.

There were also concerns raised about the “overshadowing, overbearing impacts and loss of privacy”; harm to wildlife; loss of highway trees; and removal of permitted development rights.

Despite this, on November 18, Pendle Council granted planning permission subject to conditions.