A 300 year old Blackburn pub has reopened after closing earlier this year.

The Witton Inn, in Redlam, closed its doors at the end of October after the landlady of 20 years, Lesley Lomax, decided not to renew her lease.

New landlady, Danielle Derbyshire, has taken over the pub and officially reopened the venue on Wednesday (November 9).

Danielle is even hosting an official opening party this evening (November 12) with live music and food.

Posting to her Facebook page, Danielle said opening a pub has been a dream of hers for “as long as [she] can remember”.

She initially wanted to take over The Farthings in Blackburn before it burned down.

She said: “I would like to announce that I am the new proud owner of the Witton Inn.

“Running a pub has been a massive dream of mine for as long as I can remember, obviously it didn’t go to plan the first time round but there was absolutely nothing stopping me chasing my dream and I am extremely proud of myself for getting up and carrying on.

“I’ve just cried happy tears of joy.

“I am so overwhelmed with everyone’s love and support, hearing ‘I’m proud of you’ from numerous people makes my heart burst.

“I can’t thank each one of you enough.

“Thank you to everyone who’s supported me and continuing to do so! See you at the bar.”

There will be an opening party which gets underway, with all welcome from 7pm.

The Facebook post says: “Danielle and her staff would like to invite you to the Witton Inn’s official opening evening under the new owners.

“A DJ will be playing songs old and new, there will be food and a free glass of fizz for everyone.”