COUNCILLORS have rejected proposals to turn a suburban house into a care for up to four children despite warnings that it could be overturned on appeal.

Hyndburn Council planning committee had been recommended by officers to approve the scheme in Beech Crescent, Altham, in August.

But councillors voted by seven votes to six on Tuesday to refuse permission despite chairman Eamonn Higgins warning that they would be 'foolish' to do so.

They took the decision because of the impact on parking in the street.

The committee heard from two objectors and applicant Ziafat Ali of Blackburn-based Thrive Residential Properties.

He said the proposed children’s home will provide accommodation for a maximum of four children between the ages of 8 and 18 years with 24 hour adult support, provided on a shift basis.

Mr Ali told the councillors the operation would be regulated by Ofsted inspectors adding: "We are an experienced care provider.

"There is a need to place local children in the local area."

He cited a supporting letter provided by the Lancashire County Council senior commissioning manager confirming there was 'a high demand' for this type of provision locally.

Mr Ali is now considering an appeal to the government's planning inspectorate.

But Beech Crescent resident Sarah Holt said the proposal was not appropriate for the location because of parking and road safety concerns for the children and worries about possible anti-social behaviour by the home's young residents.

She said: "They are not the sort of children we want."

Ronnie Pinder, from Altham Parish Council, backed up her concerns about parking and the impact on the local road network.

Their concerns were shared by several of the councillors led by Clayton-le-Moors ward's Cllr Melissa Fisher who said the crescent was the wrong place for a small children's care home.

Planning officer Shanshan Cheng told the meeting that in her opinion there were insufficient grounds to refuse the application without a significant risk of the decision being overturned on appeal by a government inspector.

Cllr Higgins said: "I think we would be very foolish to reject this application.

"If this goes to a planning inspector we would be a laughing stock."

Mr Ali said after the meeting: "I have not made my mind up about whether to appeal. I need to sleep on it."

Cllr Fisher said that the impact on parking and road safety in the street were good grounds to refuse the application.