A RAIDER stole computer equipment from schools to fund his drink problem has been jailed for 12 months.

Burnley magistrates heard how Leam Tomlinson, 21, struck at four schools, picking on Padiham County Primary three times and helping himself to a near £5,000 haul in one break-in at the premises.

The defendant, who had been given a suspended jail term just before the spree started, ransacked the kitchen at St John the Baptist School in Padiham and also attacked Hameldon and Unity Colleges in Burnley.

Tomlinson, who the court heard had replaced a heroin addiction with eight litres of cider a day, was on incapacity benefits and couldn't afford to pay for it.

The defendant, of Dunoon Street, Burnley, admitted two burglaries and asked for four to be considered. All took place between February and April.

Mercedeh Jabbari, prosecuting, told the court that the defendant got into St John the Baptist School by smashing a glass pane. He ransacked the kitchen, helped himself to food and caused £800 of damage in the process.

Scenes of crime officers found blood at the scene, which was later identified as Tomlinson's. He was arrested and police found computer equipment from Padiham CP School at his girlfriend's house. No police charges were brought against her.

Miss Jabbari said on February 26, the headteacher at Padiham CP School had found the premises had been broken into via a roof vent. A secure box containing laptops had had the lock smashed off and property to the value of £4,790 had been taken.

David Leach, defending, said Tomlinson had managed to break free from heroin addiction but had replaced that with alcohol. Tomlinson had a girlfriend of 12 months and was expecting a child in another relationship.