A PAYMENT card which allows retailers to verify the age of a shopper has been launched in Lancashire.

The UreLife card is the first in the UK to incorporate a colour photograph and a hologram, as well as a printed date of birth to help shopkeepers when selling age-restricted items.

By combining the card with a method of payment, directors of the company say that children are more likely to carry the card than standard forms of identification.

Carl Horne, director at London-based UreLife said: "Almost 40 per cent of 12 to 15-year-olds are gainfully employed with weekend or afterschool jobs.

"These young people are mature and affluent, but they also need protection from spending their money on age-restricted items such as adult-rated DVDs or alcohol.

As a prepaid debit card, a UreLife card, which is available across the UK, carries a balance that can be 'topped-up' by telephone debit transaction, direct debit or via cheque and postal orders - similar to a pay-as-you-go mobile phone.

The card is available for five age groups - 12-15 years, 16-17 years, 18-20 years, 21+ years and 60+ years.