In a tragic twist of fate, Ecuador bus crash victim, Rebecca Logie, featured in a college docu-film about student safety on roads.

The footage was shot by fellow Winstanley College student, Rachael Don-Duncan, a friend to the Chorley gap year student who died at the weekend.

During the short film Becci, as she was known to family and friends, talks about a vehicle sat-nav theft.

Martin Hurst, media technician at the college, near Wigan, said the film had been screened on the campus' television station, Winstanley TV, which Becci helped get off the ground in 2005 despite not being a media student.

Becci's "passion for learning" and interest in the media meant she often got involved in film and digital work that went beyond the realms of her own A level maths, English language and English literature studies.

She juggled a demanding A level schedule with the production of the college's weekly news programme.