A PRIMARY school has been told to improve by Government inspectors, who said that pupils were not making enough progress.

St Oswald's Primary School, Knuzden, requires "significant improvement" in all areas according to Ofsted, which said the school has declined in recent years due to staffing problems.

The current head is praised for halting the decline and "keeping the school moving in the right direction", and inspectors say "signs are more promising for the future".

But Ofsted, which has given the school a "notice to improve" criticises governors for their lack of support.

"Notice to improve" is one step away from being placed in special measures, and means a school is under-performing in most areas.

If the school remains inadequate after a year, it is likely to go into special measures.

Andrea Gray, who took over as head of the Stanhill Road school in June 2005 after three years as deputy, said the report had not come as a surprise.

She said: "We had already requested support from the local authority as we were aware that there were issues that needed improvement.

"We have had a lot of staffing instability; when I became head I then had no deputy for over a year.

"Due to long term sickness and career changes, we have had four new staff members, and we only have seven classes.

"I had other, confidential issues to deal with and it was, overall, an extremely difficult period.

"But we have turned the corner, and all of us are determined to move forward.

"I welcome this report because it draws a line under everything - the only way is up for us now."

Whilst the school's overall effectiveness is inadequate, with poor teaching and below average standards, inspectors found pupils' development to be good.

They enjoy coming to school and have good behaviour and positive attitudes, and are well looked after, the report said.