We have become accustomed to hearing the ‘immigrant story’.

This is our background narrative of how our parents or grandparents came to this country and through their hard work inspired us to live the lives as we now choose.

It is a story that helps to put our lives into perspective. It was no more apparent during the Conservative leadership campaign.

When Rishi Sunak decided to share his background story to highlight how ‘ordinary’ he was, why in this case, did we, as descendants of immigrants find it like some poor PR gimmick that was using the immigrant story to further one’s career?

Rishi is not the only one who can be accused of doing this. Sadly, the immigrant story is one that has been used by many people to further their careers.

Much of our disdain over this harks back to fundamental ideals of those immigrant stories. They are ones of hardship, sacrifice and duty.

Most notably they are of giving the very same opportunity to someone else that was given to you. Every individual story is unique and everyone will share that in a different way.

Now, most of us would not have a problem with this ‘immigrant story’ if it was shared with genuine heartfelt passions. That is not to say that we can only have the ‘type’ of Asians who agree with our own personal politics as our representatives.

It was pleasing to see so many candidates from a minority background on Conservative Party leadership campaign. We will large swathes of people who will applaud the election of someone from an immigrant background as Prime Minister.

The point is many second and third generation immigrants are quickly finding they have more in common with the white working classes than with the middle and upper-class immigrants who are really meant to be inspiring us.

We go through the same problems and the story of a white working-class male making it is just as profound as a Pakistani male from the inner city or towns like ours going on to lead a successful career.

The only difference in most cases religion and race. It has become apparent that some minorities who are now generally very well off have little or nothing in common with others in their community.

It only becomes of important to them when they need to reach out to the masses or appear to have ‘community links’.

Politicians have been guilty of this and will support policies that demonise minorities and the working classes whilst at the same time attempting to portray themselves as ‘our people’.

It just doesn’t work and comes across as quite patronising. The ‘immigrant story’ comes across as almost an afterthought pulled out at dinner parties and policy meetings.

Is it too much to ask that people were just honest than trying to sell us a seemingly false narrative?