A teenager who has always aspired to go into medicine is one step closer to her dream after achieving A-Level success.

Neha Ali, who studies at Accrington Academy has secured a place to study at the University of Leeds after achieving an A*, A and B in maths, biology and chemistry.

She said: “I am extremely proud of my results and extremely proud that my whole time at Accrington Academy has been worth it.

“I am very excited to be going on to the next stage of my education and the next stage of my career.”

Neha celebrated her success with her Accrington Academy peers who received a strong set of A-Level results.

Over two-thirds (67 per cent) of A-Level entries achieved A*to C grades whilst 61 per cent of Level 3 equivalent entries achieved the top Distinction* and Distinction grades. 

Interim Principal at Accrington Academy, Jamie Peel said: “Congratulations to all our students collecting their results today.

“Despite the challenges of the past two-and-a-half years, our students have worked very hard and should be proud of their achievements.

“Thank you to our staff who have worked tirelessly to support our students and ensure they achieved the grades they deserved.

“We are all thrilled for Neha. She has demonstrated true grit and determination and I am so pleased she has achieved the grades she needs to follow her career of choice.”