A nursery which was told to improve after its first Ofsted inspection has now been rated ‘good’.

Little Buttercups of Trawden, in Church Street, Trawden, has been rated ‘good’ by the inspection body following its most recent visit on May 30.

The inspectors pointed out how children make good progress thanks to the curriculum and how they are taught strategies to help regulate their emotions from a young age.

Children are taught to be considerate of others and staff consistently model good manners, which children replicate.

The inspection report reads: “Overall, staff help children develop a good range of independence and self-care skills.

“Babies learn to feed themselves and explore their environment. Toddlers wash their hands for themselves, put their own shoes and coats on and learn to chop vegetables.

"Pre-school children skilfully and cooperatively help to tidy up after play.

“However, there are limited instances where some staff do things for children that they can do for themselves.”

Inspectors noted that some staff pour drinks for children, or help children put on coats without given them the time to do it for themselves which they say “somewhat hinders” their progress.

Staff talk positively about working at the nursery and parents are united in their praise for the nursery saying “We love it, it's great!”

The report added: “The provider has maintained her passion and ambition to provide high-quality childcare.

“Their inclusive approach continues to be a strength and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported.”

Safeguarding is effective with leaders having made “significant progress” since the last inspection.