A controlling bully who killed a man in his own home was one of the dozens from East Lancashire locked-up in June for committing heinous crimes.

Naeem Mustafa was found guilty by a jury of murdering Michael Brierley inside his Nelson Bungalow on November 8 of last year.

The Honourable Mr Justice Barry Cotter jailed him for a minimum of 27 years at Preston Crown Court earlier this month.

You can read more about that here.

In this article we take a look back at some of the other criminals sentenced to hefty terms behind bars for crimes they committed in East Lancashire.

Blackburn man who tried to groom teenage girls jailed

Lancashire Telegraph:

A pervert who attempted to groom teenage girls and told police he had made a “big mistake” when he was arrested has been jailed.

Despite being told of the girl's ages, Suleman Mahmood, 28, continued to send the girls, who he thought were aged 13 and 14, sexually explicit messages.

It transpired Mahmood was communicating with decoys from the Online Child Abuse Activist Group (OCAAG).

In order to prove Mahmood was the person sending the messages, members of the group visited his home in Dukes Brow, Blackburn, on the evening of September 20, 2019.

Police then arrested Mahmood who signed a statement at the scene which said: “I will be honest. I have made a big mistake.

"I had no intention to meet them. I just wanted to make friends. I knew they were underage.”

Read more here.

International supplier sold 2kgs of cocaine to Blackburn dealer

Lancashire Telegraph:

An international criminal who has assisted in transporting thousands of pounds of lethal drugs around Europe has once again been jailed after he sold bricks of cocaine to a local dealer.

Sufiyan Mohammed has previously served time for a string of violent and drug-related offences, including a spell behind bars in Norway when he was caught involved in a conspiracy to import illegal substances.

At some stage while he was in prison, Mohammed is said to have met and shared a cell with Blackburn man Pirashad Hasmi, who would later buy 2kg of cocaine from him following their release.

You can read further details here.

Abuser jailed after hitting woman so hard she lost her child

Lancashire Telegraph:

A MAN has been jailed after he went to his ex-partner's home and attacked her, causing her to suffer a miscarriage, after the end of a "poisonous" relationship.

Junior Kenyon, 29, was subject to a community order after two other assaults on the same woman in 2020 when he attacked her earlier this year.

Burnley Crown Court heard how on March 9, Kenyon, of Larch Street, Nelson, visited his ex-partner's home and let himself in, however, she made it clear he was not welcome.

She gave him a short amount of time to get his stuff as they still shared the property and then asked him to leave, however, he was angered by this and started to attack her.

She pressed a panic alarm, which she had bought to help her cope with Kenyon, but the attack continued, with him taking her phone so she was unable to call for help – echoing one of the other two attacks on her.

He kicked her in the legs and punched her while she was on the floor.

Recorder Michael Maher said the pair had a "poisonous" relationship as he jailed Kenyon for two years and nine months.

Police officer from Darwen jailed for 'violent' attempted rape

Lancashire Telegraph:

A woman said she "should have been able to trust" a police officer who attacked and tried to rape her in her home, a court has heard.

Ernesto Ceraldi, from Darwen, who has now resigned from Greater Manchester Police, was jailed at Preston Crown Court this morning.

He was off duty on the night when he went back to the woman's house before attacking her.

Prosecuting, David Traynor said Ceraldi, who was a specialised dog handler, was off duty and with some friends in The Coach pub, Edenfield, on April 1 when he met his victim.

The woman was also with a group of her friends, and they all started chatting over a drink, with the victim describing Ceraldi as “charming”.

Ceraldi, who is married and has two adult children, told the victim he was a police officer and photos of his police dog which led him to gain her trust.

The pair decided to go back to her house and shared a bottle of wine before engaging in sexual activity, most of which had been consensual.

The victim said she would try and stop Ceraldi when he was pulling on her hair, spitting on her and putting his hands on her throat.

He would stop for a while but then start again.

After this ended, the pair went back to sitting on the sofa together when Mr Traynor said that Ceraldi’s attitude suddenly changed.

You can read the full story here.

Man who 'stumbled out nightclub' drove around Burnley park in chase

Lancashire Telegraph:

An ‘appalling’ and dangerous driver who had been drinking at a nightclub drove on the paths through a park while police were chasing him.

Aaron George, 32, had stolen his girlfriend Lisa Barton’s Audi when the two separated after an argument.

Prosecuting the case, Paul Cummings said George was seen at 6.30am on Saturday, May 14, stumbling out of a nightclub, before getting into the driving seat of the white Audi with two friends also getting in the car.

A concerned member of the public called police who started to look for the vehicle.

After locating the car at about 7.20am, officers and a police helicopter followed the car on a very lengthy pursuit, with George taking the car through Thompson Park in the town.

The police helicopter watched George driving on the footpaths through the park, with Recorder Paul Hodgkinson stating it was lucky nobody had been hurt or even killed but it "could have been very different".

You can read the full story here.