A family who attended a Star Wars event at the weekend were racially abused outside Ewood Park where it was held.

Yasir Sufi, who works at Blackburn Rovers and has led a number of community cohesion initiatives, said his three young children had to witness the abuse as they headed back to the car with a family member.

The incident happened on Sunday and despite having a picture of the woman, Yasir refused to share the identity on social media because she was "still someone’s mum and grandma".

It does not appear the woman had been attending the Star Wars Fan Fun Day which was being held at Ewood Park for fans of the film franchise.

Yasir, who was not at the incident himself, said: “My family including my three young children were at Ewood Park today for an amazing Star Wars event.

"On the way back to the car this woman thought it was okay to racially harass them, saying out loud in front of the kids 'Bloody P***s taking over my country'.

“As much as we can try to be the change we want to see in the world, people like this will always remind us, that the message some of the mainstream media shows them is a lot more powerful in influencing how they see the world.

“I kept her face covered because she is someone's mum/gran/sister etc, and this is not about her. There's plenty more like her. The problem is the news she reads and what she's told. Until that changes people like her will always exist.”

He added when asked: “Her exact words were ‘flipping P***s taking over our country...go back to where you came from'."

When asked to reveal her identity, he said: “I’d rather not as I don’t blame her. I blame the news she reads and what she's told. That's the problem. Not her.”

Yasir said he was asked to report the incident to Lancashire Police.

He had been at the forefront of organising a number of integration events at Blackburn Rovers in the past two years.

This week he was featured on a number of TV channels following the Eid prayers on the pitch initiative which was a major success in strengthening the ties between Blackburn's Muslim community and the Rovers.

The response from fans and the wider community had been overwhelmingly positive, with reports even being shared to 16 million followers by FIFA – the world football governing body.

However, it also prompted vile and abusive messages from a small minority, and videos to surface asking why such a religious event had taken place inside a ground.

There was widepread condemnation from people from across the country following the latest incident.

Shaista Aziz said: “Disgusting. Sending solidarity to you and the family.”

Tabby said: “You have shown your class here by not taking the opportunity to shame her, even though you would have been tempted to do so.

"We will change by trusting good over bad and the work you are doing with the club will pay off in a much bigger way than calling this woman out would.”

Iain said: "This shows the work you are doing with Rovers is more important than ever.

"If we are to beat bigotry and racism, we need to call this out. Please don’t be discouraged, Rovers fans are proud of you for what you are doing. Give your kids a hug from us all, we are one Rovers!!"

Byron added: "So sorry you had to deal with this - as a North End fan, hopefully the fine work you seem to be doing at Rovers with regard to integration will pay dividends over the next few years because this is not isolated unfortunately."

Another user said: "I'm sorry people like this are still around. Hope the children weren't too upset. Something similar happened to a friend of mine a few years ago on a beach. Friend is of Tamil heritage. Horrible for friend and children."

Pegeen Murphy said: “I was also at the Star Wars event today with my family. I am so gutted to hear that this happened."

Ilyas added: "Sadly this is a common thing across our once great country Yasir. Regardless of what we do, for some that just isn’t enough, that’s very sad and I wish we could see light at the end of the tunnel."

Jay said: "Sad to hear that Yas, unfortunately some people learn that this is acceptable. For everyone of these horrible people there thousands with the opposite views. Love to you and the family."