STAFF and pupils at a Darwen school have been fasting for one day as Ramadan nears its end.

Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio was taking part in community group One Voice’s ‘I am not a Muslim but I will fast for 1 day’ initiative.

Science teacher Qasim Hussain, who introduced the initiative at the school, said it had been wonderful to see so many people taking part this year.

He said: “Upon request, this year it was open for students in year 9-11 to participate.

“I provided food packs to all participating consisting of starters, main and a dessert. 

"As Ramadan is a month of giving, the school council decided to raise money for a charity.

"We as a school collectively raised £150 to build a hand water pump for the charity GRT (Global Relief Trust).”

One staff member who took part in the fast said: “I have found it fine; it is not the food that I have missed, it is my brews!

“I can't wait to have a coffee later. Today has not only given me a greater understanding of what my Muslim friends, colleagues and students go through each year, but at the same time appreciating how blessed we are to have all the things we need such as clean water and food. Happy Ramadan to all.”

Another commented: “I feel like a raisin I'm so dehydrated.

"I feel drained of all my energy, and I have a headache. Being without food hasn't been too bad, but all this time without a drink has been difficult.

“My whole respect goes to every Muslim who fasts, the self-discipline and motivation you all must have is astounding.

"I would do it again, but next time I'll drink a couple extra litres of water to get me through the day.

"An absolute fantastic experience. Thankyou Qasim and family for preparing the Iftar food packs for us all. God bless you.”

A third dadded: “I have had time to think and reflect upon my experience and what Muslims go through every year during this blessed month and how much self-disciple they have and how strong they are fulfilling the commands in the Holy Quran.”

The staff taking part were, Mrs Masterson (Health and Social Care Teacher), Miss Reader (English Teacher); Mr Berry (Vice Principle, History Teacher), Miss Price (Maths Teacher) and Miss Murray (English Teacher).