The fire service has prepared four pallets of equipment and a fire engine to send to firefighters on the front line in Ukraine

UK charity, FIRE AID and International Development (FIRE AID), and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) are coordinating donations of more than 5,000 items of fire and rescue equipment and PPE which will be sent in convoy to Ukraine.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue will be donating PPE, including helmets, boots, tunics, and protective suits. The service is also donating defibrillators, hoses and other firefighting equipment.

Chief Fire Officer Justin Johnston said: “We are proud to play our part in helping supply Ukrainian firefighters with equipment and fire engines which will support those who are battling on the frontline, often using old or worn equipment.

“Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian firefighters and emergency services colleagues who are risking their lives to protect their communities​​, and we hope for peace and safety.”