A DRIVE to encourage pupils to be more active in the classroom has led to a business taking on its first employee, as it deals with a surge in orders from schools.

I Want A Standing Desk was founded by Clitheroe entrepreneur Nick White and offers a range of standing desks for children and adults.

As demand for the business has grown, the company has taken on experienced sales manager Liv Pamphlett.

Liv joins with more than 10 years’ experience in sales and marketing, having previously headed up a sales team at a manufacturing company and while running two of her own small businesses with her partner.

A milestone 500 primary schools are now using the company’s EIGER Student Standing Desks, which allow pupils to stand and move whilst they learn.

With interest growing, including among councils and local education authorities who are introducing them as part of special educational needs programmes, IWASD has achieved some of its highest sales figures to date.

In her new role, Liv will be liaising with schools to arrange free trials of the desks, collating feedback and managing all subsequent orders. She will also be dealing with enquiries from businesses and individuals, researching new markets and helping to generate new business leads.

Liv said: “I actually came across EIGER standing desks in a previous role, as they were used in the offices there. When I spotted an opportunity to join the company, I thought it sounded like a really interesting place to work.

“There aren’t many roles where you feel like you are making a difference and that’s what I’m really enjoying about working at IWASD. The feedback from schools about the impact of the standing desks for their pupils, especially for those who were struggling before, is just incredible.”