AN online fashion brand selling clothes and accessories which aim to recapture childhood sporting memories is heading into its 10th year.

Accrington-based Trickett looks for inspiration from around the world and sources garments from a range of manufacturers.

Accrington born and bred Iain Trickett, 34, set up the business in 2012 and says he has done everything he can to go against the grain in almost every decision the brand makes.

Lancashire Telegraph: Iain Trickett

He said: “I think we’re authentic and I think genuinely we’re weird because we do things in a different way. We try and keep people abreast of the way we design things.”

Iain gives much of the credit to those around him when talking about the success of his brand, with a special thanks to his family, having even roped his dad in to help with packaging and logistics

Rejecting the ways some other brands operate he adds: “There are fewer people paying attention to the details, making nice products, doing them with a bit of soul.”

But despite building a successful brand, Iain admits he knew nothing about ‘clothes manufacturing’ before starting.

Unlike some of the bigger clothing brands, Iain likes to keep a close relationship with his manufacturers and thinks that is key.

He said: “It’s mainly thanks to the kindness of other people and the factories that took a chance on me I’m even anywhere near to having a clothing company today.”

But not everything is plain sailing, especially for a brand with such a small staff base.

Speaking about the upcoming release of a rugby shirt, he explained the trials and tribulations of bringing an idea to fruition.

Lancashire Telegraph: Trickett Rugby Shirt new for 2022

He said: “It was this time last year, the manufacturer near Leicester that we were using had to be closed down (due to Covid). So we’re now releasing that next week and that should’ve been here March last year.”

As Iain heads into his milestone year in business, Trickett is the place to go if you’re looking for a woollen jumper made in Scotland, a jacket from America or a T-shirt made in Portugal.