You know how some people have a drink at the end of the day to take the edge off things?

Or how you might order a takeaway, put a film or series on and just vegetate all night.

Just a way of slowing down after the rigours of the rat race and losing a couple brain cells for a few hours.

A necessary numbing of the mind isn’t only essential, it’s fairly natural.

Animals even find certain plants or fruit in the wild that they can use medicinally or even, recreationally.

Heck, even cats love a good bit of catnip to take the edge off the stresses of hunting those unwanted mice, shrews and birds they leave on your doorstep, by way of a 'gift'.

So the idea that we should ever feel bad for having one extra wine or one extra episode, is utter nonsense. You deserve it! Good on you.

One recreational activity I would like to recommend against, as I feel it has an even more negative impact on brain cells than drinking, is the watching of a certain ITV show.

Yes, you guessed it. Love Island. There’s more toxicity in that than there is in a bottle of rat poison.

Not only do we watch a group of people hang around a luxury island, flexing their muscles or putting lip balm on their trout pouts, but we are expected to care that they are crying over someone they met three days prior.

All of them in their early to late twenties, a baffling idea in itself.

Hearing 21-year-olds say, “yeah I’ve been single for 3 years now and I’m just really ready to find the one”.

Yeah, I’m sure all that revising for GCSE and A-Levels really took you away from focusing on your relationship status.

From the few episodes I’ve watched through pained eyes, I struggle to listen to the inane conversations that sound like the conversations I was having in the canteen at school.

We’re basically watching a group of men see how toxic they can be towards a group of women before ducking out and grabbing some brand deals when they come out.

Give them five years and you’ll see them stood behind the DJ in a bar in Clitheroe and realise that’s why the entry free was an extra fiver.

The show seemed to hit a bit of a sweet spot for popularity a few years ago, but now a lot of diehard fans are seeing it for what it is.

If there’s one thing I’m not up for, it’s showing the younger generations that the only way to get a partner is to have plastic surgery, tanned skin, a gym bod and to ‘keep your options open’.

The only time you should keep your options open is if one of those options is Love Island.