Apparently if you compare the areas where Covid-19 has impacted the most to a map of child deaths in 1850 there is a close similarity between the two.

The poorest areas are always the ones to be devastated the most when disasters has been that way for centuries and no doubt will still be the same in centuries to come!

Because the consequences of an epidemic or pandemic hit hardest in the most deprived areas it seems to me that not only should we be better prepared for the next pandemic but initially, when one strikes, we should concentrate on the support and protection of the people living in these areas.

Surely they should be the first to be tested and to receive the initial vaccine rollout, to be fully financially supported so they can isolate effectively without the fear of going hungry or not being able to pay the bills!

Not only does it seem to be the right thing to do but it will benefit the rest of society.

It appears to me to be beyond the ability of politicians, the university intelligentsia and those in charge of running the NHS to see this! I believe that the Government should enshrine in the law a policy to make sure this is done at the start of any future epidemic or pandemic. Of course we would be in a much stronger position if we eradicated poverty in these areas completely and create a fairer and more just society.

Colin Morrison