Children have been caught by police carrying fake IDs thought to have been bought on Snapchat for £25.

Officers responding to incidents of anti-social behaviour stopped a number of youths over the weekend, and found them in possession of fake IDs.

Police were told the IDs had be purchased from an account on Snapchat for £25 and were then being used to buy alcohol in nearby shops.

A spokesperson for the police said: "In response to recent incidents of anti-social behaviour at Lytham Green, the Windmill and surrounding areas, several youths were stopped by local police patrols during the weekend.

"It was found that these youths were in possession of fake IDs, which we were informed had been purchsed via an account on Snapchat.

"We believe that this account is charging £25 to create these IDs, which are then being used in the local shops to buy alcohol.

"We are asking parents to speak with their children with regards to this matter.

"It is a criminal offence to use false or borrowed ID to buy alcohol.

"The maximum penalty is a £5,000 fine and 10 years imprisonment."

Police said that shops selling alcohol to underage people using fake IDs could also recieve large fines and in some cases be shut down.

The spokesperson added: "Police patrols will be continuing with spot checks this weekend to actively tackle anti-social behaviour in this area.

"Visits will be conducted to local shops selling alcohol and information passed to Trading Standards."