A KETTLE has gone viral on social media site TikTok after a nine-second clip praising how useful it was posted by a user.

Staff at Nelson firm Ability Superstore came back to work on Monday, May 17, to find they had suddenly hundreds of orders pouring in for the hot item.

Racking up 1.7 million views on video site TikTok, the clip sees a woman say her sister bought her 90-year-old nan, who cannot lift things as much, the Uccello kettle.

The kettle in question can swivel down to allow water into a cup without having to lift it.

People loved the idea and one user commented: “This is genuinely amazing. My nana is totally blind and has burnt her hands so many times, so I’m heading to get this for her right now.”

But the kettle has also caught the eyes of younger customers, both for its sleek modern design and usefulness.

Another person commented: “I can pick up a kettle, but I want this just because I’m lazy.”

Owner of Ability Superstore, Julia Phipps from Nelson said: “The Uccello has always been popular but not on this scale.

“To go viral on TikTok was a surprise to say the least, I think what I loved seeing the most, was the dozens and dozens of comments from people saying they would love to buy the kettle as a gift for a loved one, to help make their life easier, which is what Ability Superstore is all about.”

All the products sold by the company have some medical or practical use to make life easier and this is what the company is founded on.

Mrs Phipps said: “Over ten years ago I was searching and struggling to find good products that would help my mother and father-in-law as they were getting older.

“There were lots of mobility aids available but no guide on what to use, what was the best product, or any good advice on what to get, so I decided to create Ability Superstore.

“Helping people to make their life easier and more enjoyable is very important to me and the team we have at Ability Superstore share that view.”

The ingenious kitchen appliance was designed by Italian-born Andy De Petra, who was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2011 and everyday tasks, such as lifting a kettle full of water, became challenging.

So, he focused his inventive streak to ease this struggle and the Uccello kettle and tipper was born.

Other useful and quirky products include talking kitchen scales, plug tugs to help remove plugs from sockets and jar openers.