A PROUD Blackburn man is furious with the council for allowing a thick layer of bird droppings to cover Queen Victoria’s Boulevard statue and remain unclean for so long.

The statue has been in place for 116 years and George Davies, 65, who has lived in the town from birth, says he cannot fathom how such a “fantastic piece of iconography” has been allowed to deteriorate into “one big black defecation”.

He said: “I’ve been a Blackburn lad for the best part of 66 years and when I drove by the Boulevard I couldn’t believe how they’d let the iconic statue of Queen Victoria just get covered in pigeon droppings.

“It’s black, her whole head is black. Where has the pride gone in this town when we let such a thing happen? It’s a disgrace.

Lancashire Telegraph: FILTHY: Queen Victoria's statue is clearly uncleanFILTHY: Queen Victoria's statue is clearly unclean

 “I just think come on, get your acts together, get in there and lets have it clean and representing Blackburn and Queen Victoria.”

Mr Davies said that he has made complaints to the council on this particular issue and heard nothing back.

He added: “We’re going through enough in this town what with all the bad publicity, how’s about exercising a bit of quality and getting it cleaned up?

"Why can we not look after something that belonged to Queen Victoria and Blackburn, its history and heritage?”

The Lancashire Telegraph contacted Blackburn with Darwen Council who confirmed that plans are in place to have the statue cleaned.

A council spokesperson said: “We are aware that the statue of Queen Victoria is due for a clean and this will be scheduled in as soon as we can get proper access equipment and scaffolding to it.

“This is currently being prevented due to the more pressing need to support the Covid-19 vaccine centre at the Cathedral, where the fencing and marquees installed as part of the one way system to enter the Cathedral crypt incorporate the area around the statue.

Lancashire Telegraph: ANGRY: George Davies is on a mission to restore some pride in the townANGRY: George Davies is on a mission to restore some pride in the town

 “We are planning to organise a specialist clean of the statue once the vaccine centre is no longer needed.”

On learning of the council’s response, Mr Davies still accused bosses of a “complete disregard for the history and heritage of the town”.